Lake Champlain - Lake George Regional Planning Board
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Community Planning

LCLGRPB assists municipalities in Clinton, Essex, Hamilton, Warren, and Washington Counties in creating, implementing, and applying for funding for community planning initiatives including: 

recreation and amenities planning

The mountains, lakes and other natural resources of the region are community assets that can be utilized to benefit residents, attract visitors and facilitate economic investment. LCLGRPB works with communities to leverage their existing natural and recreational resources to access opportunities that enhance communities. Projects for recreational amenities, including but not limited to trails, parks and waterfront improvements.

Project Feasibility Studies

The LCLGRPB provides technical support to municipalities who are interested in receiving site specific analysis based on highest-and-best uses for community led projects. These studies can be used to apply for additional grant funding for supplemental planning or implementation initiatives.

Community Revitalization Programs

LCLGRPB collaborates with communities to enhance their traditional main streets, downtowns, and neighborhoods. Community revitalization can mean economic growth, business expansion and attraction, supporting and retaining existing main street businesses, creating a more walkable downtown, or promoting existing natural resources to attract new visitors. Whatever revitalization means for your community, staff at LCLGRPB will assist with developing and articulating that vision and identifying funding opportunities to achieve it.

Comprehensive Planning

A comprehensive plan communicates a community’s goals and objectives, provides a strategy for the future of growth, development and land uses within the community. Comprehensive plans should be updated every five to ten years to ensure that the goals and objectives stated in the document continue to align with those of the community. There are a variety of funding options available for comprehensive plan creation and updates. LCLGRPB works with communities during each stage and level of the comprehensive planning process.

Community Resiliency

Community resilience is the ability of a community to use available resources to respond to, withstand, and recover from adverse situations, including severe weather, flooding, and even economic hardships. LCLGRPB can connect communities with funding for developing and community resiliency strategies.

> Clinton County
> Essex County
> Hamilton County
> Warren County
> Washington County